Saturday, December 30, 2006


Here's some sig tests I've done for Inselkampf, which is incidentally a fantastic little world. If only real life was so simple and monochromatic.
The following images were all done with GIMP for the Empire alliance. The Empire alliance is located in world 1 at Various brushes from were used to create the blood splatter. (I am currently a member of Empire; I am mundane).

The first image is a pure Empire seal with Pax Imperia written above. "Pax Imperia" is latin for "Peace of the Empire", this statement reflects the peaceful nature of the alliance. The words are written on parchment symbolizing the many pacts and treaties that this alliance has negotiated. The seal is the official Empire emblem, here it identifies the alliance (although not explicitly) and seals the above statement: "The Empire will stand by it's word and will strive for peace." This sig sample shows an unspoiled, idealistic view of the alliance.

This image is a bit more sinister, here I am attempting to provide some bite to the statement made in the original image. The blood stains on the parchment are in place to show that Empire is not by all means weak. The alliance will defend it's membership and will use deadly force if required. However, it is important to note that the bloodstains are under the seal, not over it. This was done to emphasize the fact that although it may be a means to a goal, bloodshed itself is not something Empire strives for... Or it could be understood as "Empire will crush all."

Finally, some more samples, repeating some of the concepts from above: